VPSBenchmarks Products and Pricing

VPSBenchmarks is the leading website for benchmarking cloud servers, it's trusted by tens of thousands of users every month to find the VPS that best fits their needs. We offer the following services to cloud providers and end users.

Featured Subscriptions
for cloud providers

With a Featured Provider subscription, cloud providers are guaranteed a number of tests every quarter, direct links to their websites and favorable placement in the VPSBenchmarks Screener.

Private Trials
for cloud users

With Private Trials, everyone can run the benchmarks familiar to all vpsbenchmarks.com visitors on their own servers. Your first Private Trial is just $4.

Cloud Reports
for providers and users

With Cloud Reports, you can highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the VPS of your choice in a simple, clear PDF document that can be included in your marketing material and redistributed. The authenticity and accuracy of the document is certified by VBSBenchmarks.


Pricing Model Frequency Price
Featured Provider Flat fee Monthly $90
Featured Provider Pay per referral Monthly $18 + $1.50 per referral
Featured Plus Provider Flat fee Monthly $150
Featured Plus Provider Pay per referral Monthly $30 + $2.10 per referral
First Private Trial Credit Flat fee One time $4
1 Private Trial Credit Flat fee One time $10
5 Private Trial Credit Flat fee One time $40
10 Private Trial Credit Flat fee One time $60
20 Private Trial Credit Flat fee One time $90
1 Cloud Report Flat fee One time $250


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