A2 Hosting Review


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A2 Hosting was founded as a VPS provider in 2001.
It is headquartered in the USA.
It offers Shared, Wordpress, VPS and Dedicated hosting products.

It has datacenters in:
  • Netherlands
  • Singapore
  • United States

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Managed VPS

A2 Hosting offers Managed VPS products. Review A2 Hosting Managed VPS Features.

A2 Hosting VPS Features

Features not included in the VPS price are marked as missing below.

Feature Value Comment
Hourly Billing  No
DDOS Protection  No

Available from Cloudflare for $16/month.

Backups  No

A2 Hosting only provides instructions to create your own backup to your own backup server.

Control Panel  Builtin
SSH Keys Setup  No
Total Number of Datacenters  4
Number of Datacenter Continents  3
Monitoring Charts  Yes

Network traffic, Load and Memory usage.

Admin REST API  No
Upgrade VPS from admin console  No
Mobile Friendly UI  Yes
Reverse DNS  No

Theoretically possible from Solus but "Reverse DNS is disabled for this ipaddress. Please contact support"

Accepted Forms of Payment  Credit cards, Paypal, Bank transfers
Hidden CPU Model  No
Affiliate Program  Yes
IPv6 support  No
Firewall  No
Shelving  No
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Pros and Cons


  • Predatory pricing (requires 3 year term contracts to get advertised prices)
  • Price displayed on public website are for first month only. Real prices can be found at https://www.a2hosting.com/about/renewal-pricing.

A2 Hosting Extra Services

In addition to features included in VPS plans, A2 Hosting also offers the following services (possibly for a fee):

Backups   Block storage Object storage Load balancer
Floating IP addresses Team Management Managed databases Serverless
DDoS protection Kubernetes GPU instances Private network

Control Panel Screenshots

A2 Hosting Instance Types and Plans

All A2 Hosting instance types

Note: All VPS prices reported at VPSBenchmarks are for one month without any further commitment and before promotions unless noted otherwise. The IPv4 charge is added to the VPS monthly price in case the provider doesn't include it by default.

Plan Number of CPU cores RAM Storage Monthly Price
Managed VPS
Instance Type:

Affordable and fast managed VPS.

Takeoff 4 2 4.0GB 150GB $76.99 / month

First month only: $46.95 / month

Takeoff 8 6 8.0GB 250GB $104.99 / month

First month only: $66.95 / month

Managed VPS
Instance Type:

Up To 20X FASTER Turbo VPS

Soar 8 2 8.0GB 150GB $139.99 / month

First month only: $70.95 / month

Soar 16 6 16.0GB 250GB $189.99 / month

First month only: $100.95 / month

Unmanaged VPS
Instance Type:

Entry level unmanaged VPS plans.

VPSBenchmarks has not tested any plan for this instance type yet.

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