Featured Providers

Cloud Providers can have their servers featured at VPSBenchmarks and drive visitors to their website.
With a Featured Provider subscription, among other benefits, a cloud provider is guaranteed a minimum number of performance trials every quarter, direct links to its website and placement above non featured providers in the VPSBenchmarks Screener.
Be featured on the service where cloud buyers make their buying decisions
VPSBenchmarks is trusted by tens of thousands of visitors every month to provide the most comprehensive and reliable data on all the major cloud providers in the world. Providers who are not at vpsbenchmarks.com are missing out.
VPSBenchmarks can bring between tens and hundreds of referrals to your website every month
It costs a fraction of the price of a traditional ad campaign.
Referrals numbers will be a function of your servers performance, prices, datacenter locations and features.
In all cases, just being featured next to the biggest names in the industry will raise your brand awareness.
Pay only for the benefits you receive
Pay a flat monthly fee or Pay per Referral to make sure your costs don't exceed the benefits you receive.
Infrastructure and Marketing Tools
As part of a Featured Provider subscription, you get 2 private trials every month that you can use to test and improve the performance of your cloud servers.
Create Cloud Reports to build marketing material based on the performance of your servers or of your competitors servers. Cloud Reports can be distributed to all your current and future customers.
As your servers win top spots in Best VPS rankings, you will earn Best VPS Award badges that you can include in your website.
A Subscription for Every Need
The most effective VPSBenchmarks subscriptions in terms of referrals brought to the provider website are Featured and Featured Plus because they include the performance trials that enable inclusion in the Best VPS rankings and in the Screener, which are the main drivers.
The Basic subscription is for providers who want their brand to be advertised without breaking the bank. It does not include any performance trial but it does come with a public provider page with direct links to your website.
Basic Provider Subscription | Featured Provider Subscription | Featured Plus Provider Subscription | |
Your own provider page (https://www.vpsbenchmarks.com/hosters/<cloud provider name>) |
Public performance trials per quarter | 0 | 1 | 2 |
Preview performance trials per quarter | On demand. Max 2 per quarter. |
On demand. Max 2 per quarter. |
On demand. Max 2 per quarter. |
Maximum monthly price for tested VPS Plans | - | $60/month | $120/month |
Links to your website | Direct | Direct | Direct |
Appear on upper part of Screener page | |||
Award badges for top 3 performers in any Best VPS ranking | |||
Free included Private Trials per month | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Discount on extra Private Trial purchases | 20% | 20% | 20% |
Discount on Cloud Report purchases | 20% | 20% | 20% |
Publish Announcements on vpsbenchmarks.com | |||
Display custom ad banner on provider page | |||
Publish coupons on the Coupons page | |||
Include qualifying VPS plans in the Cheap VPS feed | |||
Maximum number of VPS plans considered in Best VPS rankings and Screener | 0 | 4 | 7 |
Price | $30/month |
OR |
OR |
- If you choose to use the "pay per referral" payment option, contact us directly to pass your order. Please sign up first to expedite your request.
- No matter which payment option you choose, VPSBenchmarks keeps track of your referral statistics and you will be able to review them on your dashboard.
- It is not permitted to transition from a Featured Provider subscription to a Basic Provider one.
Plan Sizes Requirements
To facilitate comparisons, plans tested publicly at vpsbenchmarks.com must have at least 2GB RAM and 20GB of storage per CPU core. One exception: plans with 1 core, 1 GB RAM and minimum 20GB storage.
If such plans are not offered by the provider, VPSBenchmarks will choose the closest available plans.
About VPSBenchmarks Performance Trials
- VPSBenchmarks will purchase the servers test in performance trials like a regular customer. A promo code or account credits issued by the provider will be needed to buy the servers.
- A Featured Provider subscription does not guarantee good performance trial results.
- A trial is never re-run for any reason whatever the results were.
- Optimizing a server specifically for VPSBenchmarks or interfering with the conduct of a performance trial in any way is a violation of the VPSBenchmarks terms of service.
- VPSBenchmarks will test the widest and most representative range of VPS both in terms of size and location for each provider.