VPS M NVMe (Preview) by Contabo

Specifications and performance for Contabo - VPS M NVMe (Preview)


4.99€ one time setup fee.

Important: this plan does not exist anymore.

"VPS M NVMe (Preview)" Plan Specifications

Provider Contabo
Plan URL https://contabo.com/en/vps/
Price per month 8.99€ ($9.71)
Discount or Surcharge for
long or short term use
Hourly Billing No
Disk GB 100
Num Cores 6
Memory GB 16
Virtualization KVM
Data Transfer GB 32000
Maximum Network Speed 400 Mbps
Burstable CPU No
Dedicated CPU No

Plan Grades

Grades are calculated by combining results from web, sysbench, endurance and remote timing tests. Grade A is best, grade F is worst. The grades below are those of the most recent trial run for this plan.

Follow the letter links to find the test results backing the grade.

More details about grades calculation

Overall Score: 71

Web Performance Raw CPU Power Performance Stability Disk IO Performance Network Performance
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Note: A low grade on a low price VPS does not necessarily mean the VPS is underperforming, the server may still perform better than other servers at the same price. Use the Price Weighted Grades or the Best VPS 2024 rankings to find the best VPS in each price range.

Performance Test Results

We conducted 4 different types of tests during the latest trial for Contabo - VPS M NVMe (Preview). Review the results and compare this plan to its competitors.

Web Runs Network Transfers Sysbench Endurance
Review Review Review Review
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Performance trials run on the VPS M NVMe (Preview) plan

This plan was tested 1 times at vpsbenchmarks.com. The table below shows all trials run on the VPS M NVMe (Preview) plan with its grade and CPU type.

Start of Trial CPU Datacenter Overall Grade
Aug 18 2021 AMD EPYC 7282 16-Core Processor New York, USA B

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