CPU Models by Single Core Geekbench 6 Performance

We collected the CPU model for each public trial that was run at vpsbenchmarks.com since May 2022.

Each row in this table shows the Single Core Geekbench 6 CPU performance range and all CPUs in that range.

See also

Geekbench 6 CPU score CPU model and Provider Plan
2900 to 2950
2800 to 2850
2700 to 2750
2500 to 2550
2300 to 2350
2250 to 2300
2200 to 2250
2150 to 2200
2100 to 2150
2050 to 2100
2000 to 2050
1950 to 2000
1900 to 1950
1850 to 1900
1800 to 1850
1750 to 1800
1700 to 1750
1650 to 1700
1600 to 1650
1550 to 1600
1500 to 1550
1450 to 1500
1400 to 1450
1350 to 1400
1300 to 1350
1250 to 1300
1200 to 1250
1150 to 1200
1100 to 1150
1050 to 1100
1000 to 1050
950 to 1000
900 to 950
850 to 900
800 to 850
750 to 800
700 to 750
650 to 700
600 to 650
550 to 600
500 to 550
400 to 450
300 to 350
250 to 300

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