Crunchbits Instance Types


Instance types offered by Crunchbits.



More CPU cores with Gen4 RAID-10 NVMe storage. You will enjoy lightning-fast performance at unbeatable pricing. Crunchbits NVMe VPSes are built with world-class hardware and fed by a premium global network all at an affordable price.

Cost per vCPU: $2.00
RAM per vCPU: 1GB
Hourly billing: no
CPU type: Mix
Shared CPU: yes
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: 2GB NVMe

RAID-10 SSD storage, a lot of disk, and a lot of RAM. Our Xeon SSD VPSes are built with enterprise hardware and fed by a premium global network all at an affordable price.

Cost per vCPU: $3.00
RAM per vCPU: 3GB
Hourly billing: no
CPU type: Intel
Shared CPU: yes
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: 3GB Xeon SSD VPS


Ryzen 7950X

Get fully dedicated resources at unbeatable prices instantly. Enjoy lightning-fast performance, unmatched stability, and extreme disk IOPS with our VDS plans. Say goodbye to noisy-neighbor issues with RAID10 SSD and RAID1 Gen4 NVMe drives.

Cost per vCPU: Between $8.00 and $8.50
RAM per vCPU: 2.0GB
Hourly billing: no
CPU type: Amd
Shared CPU: no
Storage included: yes
Provider page for instance type:
Plans: 4GB Ryzen VDS

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