Grades Explanation for "Raw CPU Power"

Provider Amazon EC2
Plan t3a.medium
Based on trial run on 2021-05-28 03:38:06 UTC
"Raw CPU Power" grade E

Test results backing the grade

The Raw CPU Power grade is calculated based on the following test result metrics. Each line in the table includes the best, worst, mean and median results from all tested plans from all providers as well as the result for this particular trial.

The grade for each metric is determined based on its value in this trial compared with the same metric in all other trials and it is shown next to the value between ().

Based on test Metric name Amazon EC2
t3a.medium (Grade)
All Providers and Plans
Best Worst Mean Median
Endurance Ops per hour 1301 ops/hour (F) 52138 ops/hour 181 ops/hour 10786 ops/hour 7231 ops/hour
Sysbench Multi Threaded Ops per second 502 ops/sec (F) 23441 ops/sec 265 ops/sec 3809 ops/sec 2404 ops/sec
Sysbench Memory Read Transfer Speed 8738 MiB/sec (E) 73230 MiB/sec 588 MiB/sec 17962 MiB/sec 14013 MiB/sec

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