Vultr Sustained CPU Endurance Run
High Performance 4GB - Nov 02 2023

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The sustained CPU endurance test runs a cpu intensive task in a loop for 24 hours. As maxing out the cpu might be considered abusive, the tests aims to use no more than 50% of each cpu core on the VPS.

The purpose of this type of test is

  • first to evaluate the speed to the VPS,
  • second to evaluate the stability over time of the cpu available to the VPS
  • and third to detect VPS where the CPU is throttled and the performance goes down over time after cpu utilization goes over a threshold the provider considers excessive for a particular plan.

The performance is measured at regular intervals in terms of tasks executed per hour, amount of idle cpu and amount of "cpu steal".

Provider: Vultr
Plan: High Performance 4GB
Number of CPU cores: 2
Burstable CPU resources: no
CPU type: AMD EPYC-Milan Processor

Target CPU usage Overall CPU that the endurance test tries to use across all CPU cores on the VM. 50%
Average iterations per hour Average number of tasks executed per hour. It represents how much work the VPS was able to achieve per hour. Higher numbers are better. 7111
Coefficient of variation iterations per hour This represents the dispersion of the number of tasks per hour. It's the standard variation divided by the mean number of tasks per hour. It's an indicator on stability of the performance of the VPS. A low standard deviation means the VPS speed stayed close to constant. A high standard deviation means performance varied significantly during the test. 5.78%
Average CPU idle Average percentage of CPU that was idle during the test. This number should be close to 50% unless the CPU is being throttled like in burstable VPS plans. 49.3%
Min CPU idle Minimum percentage of CPU idle during the test. 47.9%
Average CPU steal Average percentage of CPU steal during the test. Lower is better. 4.54%
Max CPU steal Maximum percentage of CPU steal during the test. 7.34%

Number of tasks completed per hour

Date Number of iterations per hour CPU Idle % CPU Steal %
November 03, 2023 20:00 UTC 7050 51.68 4.34
November 03, 2023 18:00 UTC 6724 49.24 5.99
November 03, 2023 16:00 UTC 6609 49.11 5.96
November 03, 2023 14:00 UTC 6653 49.12 6.05
November 03, 2023 12:00 UTC 6734 49.1 5.93
November 03, 2023 10:00 UTC 6907 49.23 4.92
November 03, 2023 08:00 UTC 7150 49.2 4.2
November 03, 2023 06:00 UTC 7196 49.29 3.87
November 03, 2023 04:00 UTC 7602 49.31 3.25
November 03, 2023 02:00 UTC 7596 49.37 3.31
November 03, 2023 00:00 UTC 7367 49.36 3.76
November 02, 2023 22:00 UTC 7480 49.46 3.19
November 02, 2023 20:00 UTC 7837 49.46 2.49

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