IONOS Web Test
Cloud Server RAM L - Jan 11 2020


Provider Plan Cost per month Disk space (GB) Memory (GB) Num Cores
IONOS Cloud Server RAM L $30.00 80 8.0 2

Test Results

The Web performance test lasts for the whole duration of the trial (several days) and reports the response time and system metrics of a popular website running a Ruby on Rails application backed by a Postgres database.

Web Performance

Daily Web Metrics

Response time

CPU utilization

Day Num requests Average Total ms P95 Total ms P99 Total ms Average Db ms Cpu idle Cpu steal Iowait
Jan 11 2020 52439 60 105 160 7 96.34% 0.00% 0.02%
Jan 12 2020 57884 60 105 150 6 95.98% 0.00% 0.02%

Weekly Web Metrics

Day Num requests Average Total ms P95 Total ms P99 Total ms Average Db ms Cpu idle Cpu steal Iowait
Jan 11 2020 111064 60 105 155 6 96.20% 0.00% 0.02%

Web Performance comparison

Web performance is measured locally on the VPS and includes Rails app response times as well as system metrics.

Compare IONOS - Cloud Server RAM L web performance with other VPS providers or review the daily and weekly web metrics below.

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