Grades Explanation for "Network Performance"

Provider RoseHosting
Based on trial run on 2023-10-06 06:58:32 UTC
"Network Performance" grade C

Test results backing the grade

The Network Performance grade is calculated based on the following test result metrics. Each line in the table includes the best, worst, mean and median results from all tested plans from all providers as well as the result for this particular trial.

The grade for each metric is determined based on its value in this trial compared with the same metric in all other trials and it is shown next to the value between ().

Based on test Metric name RoseHosting
NVME 8 VPS (Grade)
All Providers and Plans
Best Worst Mean Median
Transfers Network Download Speed 776 Mbps (E) 4210 Mbps 91.5 Mbps 1441 Mbps 1086 Mbps
Yab Iperf3 Download Speed 910 Mbps (E) 17408 Mbps 92.2 Mbps 3363 Mbps 1576 Mbps
Yab Iperf3 Upload Speed 837 Mbps (E) 15155 Mbps 1.27 Mbps 3061 Mbps 1233 Mbps
Transfers Monthly Included Network Transfers unlimited (A) 100000 GB 0 GB 22750 GB 10000 GB
Transfers Network Upload Speed 765 Mbps (D) 2926 Mbps 55.5 Mbps 1129 Mbps 951 Mbps

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